Université de Rennes 1 (France) is internationally acknowledged as one of the top scientific universities in France. It is a member of the IRISA joint research unit whose mission includes scientific excellence, technology transfer and development, and training in and by research activities.Through its approximately 40 research teams, IRISA focuses its research activities in the field of ICT. Its scientific priorities include bioinformatics, system security, new software architectures (manycores, Cloud computing), and virtual reality. It is composed of 120 professors and assistant professors, 100 full-time researchers, 80 administrative staff, and 250 PhD students. It is the coordinator of the FogGuru project.
Elastisys AB (Sweden) is a spin-off company from the successful cloud resource management research at Umeå University, Sweden. Elastisys provides products and services for scalable and responsive IT systems, with an emphasis on auto-scaling with multi-cloud capabilities. Elastisys products and services extend on decades of internationally leading research in distributed systems, high performance computing, and autonomous management of virtualized resources.
TU Berlin (Germany) is an internationally renowned research-intensive university dedicated to promoting science and technology for the benefit of broader society and committed to the principles of sustainability and research
for peaceful purposes. The challenges and problems facing modern societies cannot be met on the basis of findings from individual disciplines. TU Berlin is addressing these challenges with the aid of transdisciplinary collaborative projects. By combining basic and applied research endeavors, and with close links to partners in science and industry, university researchers in seven faculties tackle societal issues and develop forward-looking solutions.
for peaceful purposes. The challenges and problems facing modern societies cannot be met on the basis of findings from individual disciplines. TU Berlin is addressing these challenges with the aid of transdisciplinary collaborative projects. By combining basic and applied research endeavors, and with close links to partners in science and industry, university researchers in seven faculties tackle societal issues and develop forward-looking solutions.
U-Hopper Srl (Italy) is a research-intensive high-tech SME, headquartered in the Trentino area, Italy, providing big data-enabled solutions and technologies for the government, retail and marketing sectors, U-Hopper builds its solutions on the concept of fully exploiting the information and knowledge hidden in the enormous amount of data that can be collected using mobile devices and Internet-of-Things technology. Using cutting-edge data mining techniques and data analytics tools, U-Hopper solutions enable customers to identify and extract relevant patterns, with applications to a variety of domains, including mobile advertising, environmental monitoring in-store analytics and citizen-centric participatory services.
EIT Digital (Rennes, France) is a leading European open innovation organization with the mission to foster digital technology innovation and entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and quality of life in Europe. EIT digital has representation in 9 European countries and 13 cities. EIT Digital Doctoral Training Centers are located in 9 European Cities (France: Rennes, Paris, Sophia; Italy: Trento, Spain: Madrid; Finland: Helsinki). Rennes’ DTC is one of the 6 EIT Digital DTCs.
Las Naves (Spain) is an entity promoted by the City Council of Valencia whose aim is to support and promote city’s development through innovation in its different aspects. All the projects carried out by the Foundation aim to promote urban development and innovation in the interest of its citizens in order to improve their life quality. InnDEA aims to deploy Living labs within the city and pilot projects that test and validate innovative technologies and solutions tackling with smart-city challenges.
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