March 30th 2021: HackTheFog!
63 participants from 10 countries around the world have competed during the FogGuru’s hackathon Hack the Fog!
An application that detects sedimentation on the seabed of La Marina de València is a winner of Hack the Fog! The 2nd and 3rd prizes were been won by two apps that offer information about La Marina – time, traffic, etc.- to visitors and to restaurants in the area, as well as useful data to limit people’s access in time of COVID.
For more than 48 hours, the past weekend, 63 participants from 10 countries around the world, have competed in the international hackathon #HackTheFog, a contest to develop an application prototype that improves the sustainability of La Marina de València. The contestants have worked in data management, based on Fog Computing technologies, extracted from the sensors installed in the port, within the framework of the FogGuru European project.
Fog Pandits, an international team, was declared the winner of the competition. Its members have developed an app that detects sedimentation problems that commonly affect ports. As explained in their presentation, the accumulation of sedimentation has a negative impact on water quality and can harm biodiversity. “With the help of the sensors installed in La Marina, we can predict the accumulation of sediment in the port, and thus the management team can proactively carry out preventive maintenance” says Giray Pultar, student in the Cloud Computing and Network Infrastructures master program of University of Rennes 1. This app uses sea wave sensors, a stream profiler, a water quality sensor, and a wind monitor. The application will make a map that will display the sediments and dirty spots of the areas that need to be managed.
The second prize, FollowMeFog, went to a team of members from various countries — Spain, United Kingdom and Pakistan — and uses data from time, traffic, etc. sensors. to provide information to visitors to La Marina and to the restaurants placed there. “With this information, restaurants can also issue promotions to customers, encouraging them to visit them when little attendance is expected,” explains Francisco Mahedero, student at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Finally, the third prize went to the Kal-bai-saki team, from India and Germany, who have devised an application that controls crowds in real time, to limit the number of visitors to La Marina. “The app obtains data from the people counting sensors installed at La Marina”, summarizes Gairik Aluni, former student at the Cloud Computing and Services master program of the University of Rennes 1.
The hackathon Hack the Fog! was organized in the context of FogGuru, a European Industrial Doctorate project which aims to train the next generation of European Fog computing experts. FogGuru brings together leading academic institutions (University of Rennes 1 in France and the Technical University of Berlin in Germany), high-tech SMEs (Elastisys from Sweden and U-Hopper from Italy), complemented by EIT Digital Rennes and the València smart city living lab Las Naves in València, Spain.
(Awards ceremony:
October 2nd 2020: the FogGuru presentation videos are available
On September 29th we presented the results of the FogGuru Living Lab with novel fog computing technologies for smart water management, and the future plans for constructing an IoT FabLab at La Marina de València. In case you missed the live event, the videos of the respective presentations are available here.
September 21th 2020: FogGuru presents its results
On September 29th we will present the results of the Living Lab with novel fog computing technologies for smart water management. Do not miss it! The event will be live-streamed. Free registrations here.
Our guru Davaadorj Battulga obtained the best demo award at the 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2020) for his work “FogGuru: a Fog Computing Platform Based on Apache Flink.” Congratulations Davaa!
About 40 people attended with a wide variety of profiles (academia, industry, public services, end users). We had very interesting discussions about the expected impact for the project and for the city of València, about possible extensions to other application domains, data privacy protection, and so on. Stay tuned for exciting results in a few months’ time!

Fog Computing Applications: Taxonomy and Requirements. Arif Ahmed, HamidReza Arkian, Davaadorj Battulga, Ali J. Fahs, Mozhdeh Farhadi, Dimitrios Giouroukis, Adrien Gougeon, Felipe Oliveira Gutierrez, Guillaume Pierre, Paulo R. Souza Jr, Mulugeta Ayalew Tamiru, and Li Wu. arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11621, July 2019.

Sept. 18-20th 2018: Project boot camp
The FogGuru Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) have now arrived so we organized an amazing Boot Camp to get them started. The Boot camp gathered all FogGuru’s Early Stage Researchers, their supervisors and the project’s partners around technical and soft skills sessions as well as team building and social events, such as visiting the Mont Saint Michel.
It gave the ESRs the opportunity not only to present their PhD’s subject and get to know each other, but also to attend technical sessions about fog computing, cloud resource management and stream processing, a 2-hours workshop on the Business Model Canvas, time management and how to pitch anything.
ESRs were divided in 2 groups to participate to a team building exercise, which consisted in pitching an imaginary but very inventive Fog-aware banana case and a goldfish stroller, in front of a jury. The jury decided to award both teams for their pitches since both of them were very convincing!
Sept. 8th 2017: Project kick-off
The FogGuru project has officially started! For more information, read the press release…